Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When it rains, it pours....

Okay, I'm about to let you few readers very much into my financial life:
After having made our house payment, my husband and I have $100 to our names to last us a week. We decided to use it for gas for his car- well, my car, actually, but we'd decided to just use one car to save on gas. His mom gave me $25 for some Scentsy bars and to give us a little extra cash. Good- we're up to $125
Well, low and behold, a check I wrote two weeks ago for $60 finally makes it's way to the bank. Crap. Now we're down to $65. Fair enough, we can make it. Just be careful, right?
No. Vistaprint takes their dues for my website- $35. Poo again! We're down to just $30!!!
So we got to Target to return the broken scale, and just opt to get cash ($30) instead of swapping it out. Then Gav sells some Magic cards for$30, and we're back up to $95. Only $11 of this is in our main bank account, $18 in my bank account, and the rest is on us in cash.
Well, with only $11 in the joint account, and Gav needing gas on his way to work, he was going to use the cash for gas- except he was running late, so he just used the card and got $10. Now there is ONE DOLLAR in our bank account. Well, I checked it to make sure nothing else came out- and I'm glad I checked.
A check for $20 is trying as hard as it can to go through. So, I go flying to Wal-Mart in Gavin's van (which is pretty much running on fumes) only to find my way blocked by a broken down railroad truck which is firmly jammed on the tracks, preventing me from crossing. Now, I have to go around my elbow to get to my thumb- or across town to get to a Wal-Mart that is 3 miles from my house- in a car with almost no gas. I get down to the next light, and the van begins to shake violently. Knowing that I am about to run out of gas, I cut across the lawn of the Bojangles to get into the turning lane and go to the BP station for their outrageously priced gas (I'm just glad I didn't get a ticket). The car is still shaking, and now the check engine light is on. Really? Great. BTW, at this point, I am out of minutes on my cell phone with no money to buy more. WONDERFUL!!! I did make it to Wal-Mart. I managed to get $15 worth of gas in the van, plus the $20 in the bank to keep that check from bouncing. We're waiting on some money to transfer from Paypal, and come Monday (cue Jimmy Buffett) it'll be alright- but right now... ultimate stress. I want to eat all the ice cream in the house, but I am keeping my hands busy blogging and trying to keep my mind out of the refrigerator. I'm trying to remind myself that Gavin still has some cash, and I still have some money in my account. It's just a nightmare living paycheck to paycheck. Midsummer nearly broke us, really. If we continue to have such a large event, we're going to have to charge people a little bit to come to it. I think we're going to have to make a lot of adjustments financially. My Scentsy business has come to a complete standstill, and things are just hard. Food costs more, gas costs more, it's so hot that our a/c runs all the time, and that costs more. I'm ready for this house to be paid for.
I'm also curious about the global economic collapse. I know that's going to happen- I just wonder when. I wonder where we (meaning my family personally) are going to end up because of it.
I know that seems off-topic, but I have been watching a lot of scary youtube videos about this sort of thing today.
I'm going to the gym tonight, come hell or high water. I need to work off some of this stress.

1 comment:

  1. Well dang. I had typed this long encouraging comment and now it is gone :-( Basically the gist was keep trucking on. You handled yourself in a very stressful situation and resisted temptations. I try to be the eternal optimist and always think that things will get better. They have to. Otherwise what is the point of living? You are a very strong woman and I know you can handle anything that is thrown your way! No more watching YouTube videos ;-) What will be, will be <3
