Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Today will be a struggle... (MFP)

Last night, I went to a birthday party for a friend, and we ended up staying out until 1030, which is very late for me at my advancing age (LOL)! I also had pizza and cake. I did well though, I ate a really big salad before we left so that my tummy would be filled with yummy fiber-y goodness, and I only had one slice of pizza and one slice of cake. On WW, the pizza was 5 points and the cake was 14, but because of all my exercise yesteday, I didn't go over points OR calories! I'm very proud of myself for that. There is plenty of temptation at the game store- they have a "gamer's kitchen" which is a cooler full of sodas, a freezer full of high-calorie frozen goodies, and an entire wall filled with other little snacky things, like chocolate and chips and such. I stayed away from those, but it was tough. For my friend's birthday, they had a Magic the Gathering draft (if you don't know what that is, you're just not nerdy enough). As nerdy as I am, I don't play Magic, so I was pretty bored. Luckily, my husband got the Pathfinder RPG books (nerd-talk again) and I spent most of my time reading those to keep my mind occupied. When we got home, I was too tied to do anything but go to bed- I didn't complete my food diary for yesterday until this morning.

Today I am still very much feeling the effects of a late night out. I am supposed to go pound pavement looking for vendors to be in my bridal show, but I think I am going to do my work from over the phone today. I have finally gotten around to changing into my daytime clothes- but it's hot out and I am feeling very unmotivated to even open my door. I know it's going to be a challenge to get to the gym today. I'm debating taking a 5 hour energy (less points than coffee- and colder) . I'm so tired, and a little achy, and it's days like these that I tend to get unmotivated and fall off the wagon, as it were. Not a particularly bad day- usually I like to pick myself up from those and make the next day something amazing. It's these blah days that kill me.

On the plus side, today is my last day of my first week of WW. I'm feeling good about having made it through a week. I'm upset about my broken scale, but I can hook the Wii Fit back up and get a reading that way.

That's all for now, maybe more later. Gotta get to work!

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