Monday, July 25, 2011

A Productive First Day (MFP)

Today was pretty great. It's 8pm and I have one point left on my Weight Watchers- which I plan to use on the salad dressing for the green salad I'm about to eat. I have had a lot of water today, and I don't hate it, as long as it's really cold.

I got two vendors signed up for my bridal show, which has nothing to do with weight loss, but it's nice to have something positive going on.

I went to the gym with my friend Jess today- Planet Fitness. All we did was cardio, but I am totally okay with that. They have pretty reasonable rates, so I might consider joining. It's nice to go with Jess, but as a guest, I can only go when she does, and mornings would work better for me. Now that I have worked out, I am full of energy- I'm sure that will wear off soon, but it feels good right now. I can see why people go to the gym when they're stressed. It feels good. In this heat, it's a million times better than going for a walk around the neighborhood, or even going to one of the awesome parks near here.

Once the temp isn't in the TRIPLE DIGITS, I might go to Clemmons or Legend park and do some major hiking- maybe I'll even be up to trail-running by then.

I know it's the first day and I am going to hit snags, but I feel so good right now, and I hope I can maintain this momentum. I am eager to hear how Gavin has done today. He took his points calculator with him, so I hope he is keeping track.

Jackson is making faces, so I better wrap this up. In short, I have had a great day, and I hope to have many more :)

1 comment:

  1. I love water!! But I will only drink it if it is hurt your teeth cold ;-) That is probably why on any given day there are about 20 bottles of anywhere from 1/4 to 3/4 empty in my fridge ;-)
