Monday, July 25, 2011

What this blog is about

I know I have already bombarded it with posts, but I wanted to take a moment to explain who I am and what I am doing.
I'm fat. I'm not morbidly obese or dying of weight-related illness. I am just overweight enough to be really disappointed in myself. So I am working out, doing weight watchers with my husband, and otherwise just trying to get in shape. I joined a gym for the first time in my life, and I love that place. I could stay there all day, and am sometimes tempted to try. I have discovered that I really, really enjoy working out- eating healthy is a whole 'nother animal (as we say down here in the South).
I'm a work from home mom with two boys and a fat-tastic husband. He's fantastic, and he's fat, ergo- fat-tastic. I love him very much and I want him to live a long time, so we need to get healthy. And I need to lose this baby weight. Especially since my baby (Jack) will be starting third grade next week. My older son (Patrick) will be starting middle school this year, and he is getting very health-conscious. He knows that he comes from a long line of fat people, and since his little pre-pubescent body is starting to fill out, he wants to take care of it. I admire him for wanting to do that on his own. He wants to impress the ladies too, of course.
The older boy wants to eat healthy. Yes, he enjoys junk, but he's not prone to "grazing" or eating dessert if he's full. The little one, on the other hand.... Jackson is a junk food junkie. He's super picky, and has been for the past 5 years, despite my best efforts to correct that behavior. I think he would let himself starve to death- he's that stubborn.
Eating better is going to be a challenge for everyone. My husband is a meat cutter at a grocery store, so he is surrounded by food. He also works a pretty crazy schedule, which makes it hard for him to plan meals and eat regularly. Some days, he doesn't eat all day, then comes home and gorges himself just before having to go to bed. He's a big guy, and he has been for a very long time. We have known each other for about 14 years. He was big then, he's big now. I don't ever expect him to not be big, I would just like to see a little less of him ;) Portion control is going to be a big issue.
For me- I tend to binge eat. I crave food like a crackhead. Nothing healthy, of course. I don't crave fruit or anything like that- I want pizza rolls, mac and cheese, ice cream, cake, all that junk. Going to the gym helps me fight cravings, but I can't always go to the gym. I am working on getting rid of all the "bad" food in my house, but I have just started this weight loss thing, and I still have a lot of bad stuff to deal with. My husband ate the last of the pizza rolls yesterday- all 38 of them. I told you, potion control. A serving is 6- I ate six, then went and hid in my room with a can of Febreeze and a book until they were gone.

About the MFP posts. I am on as FrauHausMaus (which is also another blog of mine). I will be cross-posting my My Fitness Pal (MFP) blogs on here. I'll also post additional stuff on here, because I have a blogging problem.

Why am I blogging (to the extreme)? Because it feels good to get it out. It helps me organize my thoughts. And, honestly, I think I am pretty funny sometimes, (and not a half-bad writer, either) and I would like to share my journey with other people who might be in the same boat as me.

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