Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is this paying off AT ALL?!?!?!?!?!?

These are my "before" pics. I had lost a few pounds here.

These are my "during" pics. I've lost 10 pounds since the first two pictures. Do I look bigger to you? I look bigger to me!

I'm not pandering for sympathy or attention, I'm just a little frustrated. I know that I've lost weight, and I know that I physically FEEL better, so I'm not going to go eat a gallon of ice cream and feel sorry for myself. I'm just a little miffed that I've lost weight and somehow manage to look FATTER!!!! I don't feel fatter- I feel pretty great. Well, I did... until I looked at these pictures. Most of my vertically challenged friends lose 5-10 pounds and drop a pants size. I have lost more than 10 pounds and am THE SAME FREAKING SIZE!!!!

10, 9, 8, 7, (breathe, breathe) 6, 5, 4, (deeeeeep breath) 3, 2, 1. And... we're back! The weight will come off. The clothes will get smaller. People will start to say "Have you lost weight" and "You look amazing!" I just need to hang in there.


  1. I can tell a difference! You definitely have a more defined booty. Ok, reeling it in now ;-) I have noticed that as nice as workout clothes are, they tend to suck you in, or hold everything in. That may be why you think your after pic looks fatter. Because they shirt is pulling you all in. But I can tell a difference :-) Great job!

  2. the after pictures are a LOT closer up. that is going to make a difference in your perception of which 'looks' less fat.
