Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fat pics and gym thoughts

I have been trying my hardest to post pictures of myself on my MFP blog, but apparently I am just not smart enough. So, I'm posting them here, since it's soooo much easier! These are pretty much my "before" pics. I've lost some weight, but it's not showing yet. My measurements are the same, my clothes fit the same, I just weigh a little less than I did. I am not satisfied with myself as I am right now, and I am working very hard to change it. Do you see how I can't put my arm straight down beside me? That's gross. I want that to go away. In the side view, you'll notice a large protrusion in front of me. That's my baby belly- from eight years ago. Enough of that. I carry ALL my weight in the middle. I have normal sized arms and legs- and then there's the gut. I would like to have a waist. A real one, not just a place where one should be, which I pretend is a waist.
The other topic I wanted to talk about was the 30 Minute Express workout at Planet Fitness. It's not my favorite. Have you ever put your shoe on the wrong foot? That's how the machines are in there. Something is just... off. The weights are different, the way some of them work is different, and it's kind of dark in there. Not that the darkness has anything to do with anything, it just made it weird. Also, people kept coming in and getting on one or two machines and then leaving, which kind of throws the circuit off. Jerks. I need to find a way to shorten my workout (about 2 hours) to something a little more manageable. I had to work today at my mother in law's bridal shop, so I was in a little bit of a time crunch and thought I would give the Express a go. Nah... Not for me. I feel like my legs got a good workout, but I did legs yesterday, and I ran this morning, so my legs are pretty tired now.
I enjoy my two hours at the gym. Maybe it's excessive, but time slips away so quickly there, and I always feel great when I leave. Some days I take it a little easier, some days I push a lot harder, but it's always good. I know that I'm getting stronger and that my body will start to look less like mashed potatoes and more like a lean, mean, running machine!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I am feeling you on the arm thing. I absolutely HATE that. Makes me feel so self-conscious! If it makes you feel any better, I can definitely tell a difference from that picture and from when I saw you a few months ago. So it is definitely paying off! You are doing so great with going to the gym. I need to kick up my exercising.
